Friday, January 2, 2009

Date Day

Today for the first time since our child's birth my husband and I spent an entire day alone together.

Our kid's day care reopened today after the holidays. They had asked if we would be bringing kid in, and my first thought was, "Oh yeah!" My husband had the day off. Apparetnly most people wanted to keep their kids with them. I checked with my husband to make sure I wasn't being totally insane, wanting kid to go to day care while we spent the day having fun, but ... he was on the same page.

What a great day. It reminded me of the weekends we used to spend together when we were dating, or first married ... before I graduated law school and we moved to Philadelphia.

After we dropped kid off, we went to a breakfast place in Philly that is just like all the breakfast places in Portland, OR, where we lived before. Glorious. I got the huevos rancheros, over medium, and they were over medium! They had condiments other than katsup! It wasn't really grasy and gross! Ahh. So many things to miss about Portland. In Portland we knew of ten or fifteen great places like this, little neighborhood restaurants with kick-butt gormet food. Here in Philly, we've found one.

Afterwards we went to Philly's main library, which is totally amazing. It's downtown so I don't go much, but it's really about ten regular sized libraries in a huge building. I browsed the classics section (classics section!). Our local branch seems to specialize in Af-Am chick lit, a la How Stella Got Her Groove Back. They got rid of their classsics section. :( And usually I go with the Kid, who loooves to pull books from the shelves, so -- I haven't been reading a lot of good stuff lately. So this was great.

Next we went to get our first ultrasound for baby 2. When I first went to the doctor, I thought I was eight weeks. They said ten or twelve. Now, two weeks later, the ultrasound shows sixteen. Boy am I bad at math. It's funny, though. I feel like every time I go in there I miraculously advance in gestation. I can't wait for the visit on the 5th, when I hope to be told I'm almost done (oops, I mean due).

So baby is now scheduled for mimd-June. No gasps or eerie silences from the ultrasound tech so it looks like things are OK. And lots and lots of baby movement. Kid 1 just laid around in there, but 2 is kicking up an storm. So... maybe no number 3!

Finally we went to see a movie together. The only thing that looked interesting in our time slot was Frost/Nixon. I like Ron Howard so it was fun to see one of his movies. It was creepy to see Nixon's rtionale of presidential power, so much like Bush's -- "When the President does it it's not breaking the law." And yet people then had the sense, en masse, to decry it as undemocratic and anti-American. Now we just mutter to ourselves and move on, right?

Anyway, it was great to see a movie together (though we have done that since kid was born). So nice to spend time together and reconnect. I felt really refreshed and ready to be a mom again.

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