Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Posted on my family blog about my crappy Christmas. Here was the plan: my husband had Thurs-Sat off. We were going to spend family time together, much needed. My husband's an actuary, and has been working until at least 7:30 most days, leaving me to manage just about everything. Which is fine. It's the deal. Someone has to do it. I work part-time, he works more than full time.

BUT. I was really, really looking forward to four days together, without having to explain that daddy loves us and would rather be here. And yes, you do have to wear a hat outside. And no bottle until more dinner. And bedtime now. You can guess the drill.

What actually happenened:

Frantically trying to finish my work before the holidays, I get a call Tues from daycare: kid is sick, has fever. Go to pick him up. Then get a call from MIL, who says that my husband's grandmother, who has been in hospice, is going downhill fast. They've thought about it and will support whatever decision our family makes about going to the funeral. (We visited at Thanksgiving, and my husband changed his flight to spend an extra 3 days there then. So we had kind of said our goodbyes.)

Weds husband comes home from work. Family has changed their minds and will need him to come down.

Thursday grandmother dies. Viewing is planned for Saturday; funeral is Sunday.

So. Saturday -- our kid's brithday -- husband leaves for his family's house. I deal with sick kid until he gets back late Sunday night. He took Monday off (that was our compromise), and it was good. Went to the Zoo and tromped around. Husband put kid to bed (I think). Tues and he's back at work "Hopefully only 'til 9:30."

All I was saying on my family blog? This. Christmas. Sucked. Sure, it had its good points. It was better than the first Christmas after my mom died, when my dad didn't call (I was 22). But still, really freakin' low on the list. And for the record, I am so sorry about my husband's grandma, who was a really interesting lady and who I liked a lot. I'm just calloused, I guess. In my job I confront death all the time. And all my grandparents and my mother are dead, so... I know. Believe me, I know.

Got a nasty, anon comment on family blog implying I was self-absorbed. And I can guess which SIL wrote it!

So I deleted the blog.

I have to admit, it's a relief. I hated that blog. It was such a mistake to let my husband's fam know about it. They are great people. I love them. But it's best they don't have any sort of view into my heart.

Husband suspects new blog but I deny, deny, deny.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Alter ego

This is a new blog for me. I started this one because the life of my old one was flushed down the toilet when my DH blabbed about it to my MIL, who swore she wouldn't tell anyone. So now all of my in laws check it every day, and I don't feel like I can say anything other than glowing things about my life and family. So. I don't post there much anymore, except when my two year old son does something cute.

He's really cute, but it's really boring.

I am pregnant -- due in June, fine thanks. I work from home as an estate planning attorney, estate admin attorney and guardian of incompetent old folks.